Thursday, May 16, 2013

Red flag

Over the past week I have gotten a lot of work done in my project I got the piece that will be screwed into the wall cut out cleaned up and drilled the holes in it. I have spent about 8 hours working on my hands on. I had three journal entries on the process of making and cutting that put. For the next week I plan to compete the tv mount and get it ready to personalize it with things that I want to add. The project is moving along we'll and I should be done even before I had planned. This will give me a lot of time to customize it and paint it well so it looks really good when I am complete. I have had a mentor meeting and we talked about how the project is coming along nice and what work I got done this week.

1 comment:

  1. Luke, you were given specific things to write towards: when is your presentation? materials due? what is your plan for the remaining time--chart it! What must you do to fulfill goals (what about the barn & business?)

    Ms. L
